Celebrating Earth Day and CO2 Neutrality Anniversary

Celebrating Earth Day and CO2 Neutrality Anniversary
April 22 marks Earth Day, a significant occasion that also recalls a crucial step toward sustainability. Two years ago, we made a bold commitment to achieve carbon neutrality in the pristine Galapagos Islands, a pledge that has since influenced fundamental principles.

Upon reflection, we recognized the complex interdependence of diverse ecosystems. A year later, on another Earth Day, we reaffirmed our dedication to safeguarding the rainforest, with the goal of protecting these distinct environments.

As we celebrate the second anniversary of the Galapagos carbon neutrality commitment and the one-year milestone at La Selva this Earth Day, we invite you to participate in ongoing efforts toward environmental stewardship. Together, we can aspire to a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.

Dedicated to your comfort:

Diligently ensures that the motorized canoes are in excellent condition for guests' upcoming adventures.